Thursday, September 30, 2010

October Fest Tips

Heres some tips for this cotber fest
.turn on the music by scroling down and picking a song
.new storys every friday
.movie mondays

Halloween Party Countdown!

awsome cp has a countdown!
its 29 days left till haloween i cant wait!

Waddle on!

tree super big!

this tree got super big awsome gow big will it get?!

new october penguin style!

new awsome catolog!
ill add more pics later but
ill say the cheats

page 1
click frakingpenguins mouth for boy frankeinstine and click the vamps head for frakein head
page two click ghosts eye in backround
page 3click a pumking lanter for viking hat

Clubpenguin Times Ishue 259

Sweet the first haloween ishue this year!
seems exciting!
lets take a peek inside!

new haloween cosumes later today!
what you going to be?
this penguin stlye going to be good!
i hope theres new costums!

mysterys coming!
is the storm coming yet?
and whats the new color of the enivercry hat(5th)
only time can tell!

look at these words!
awsome seems like a vampire cosume!
i was just thinking cp should have a vamp cosume a few weeks ago!
black puffles join us in cart surfer on the 8th
with new penguin mail!
Waddle on!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New cp reveiwed by you

great job whoever got it...sory im realy busy lol

this week cp whants to know what out favorite scary stlye is
id say everything
hey and that pic looks lke a page from the new penguin stlye!
be sure to pick up a rocking costume on thursday!
Waddle on!(thx jasfreind ;D)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

October Sneak Peek!

Well since everything on this blogs about october/halloween right now!
clubpenguon has some things to talk about!

.look forward to new and old costums in the new penguin style early this month!
.haloween igloo contest
.new stamps for your colections this month
.clubpenguin 5th anivercry cp turns 5!
. clubpenguin annul haloween party!including a new maze called the dark chamber dan dan tahh!
also a tip from me!ever room is pret much decorated even the dojo sometimes!
cant wait!
Waddle on!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Feild Op Mission 16

whats that i hear new feild op!
go to the hq and go to big screen

g says there going to be something new next week!
the vidoe showed that thing first
the place near the lighthouse and then a feild op for it
well anyway go to the dance lounge
cant wait for next week!
Waddle on!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

October festival early!

the october festivals here and its early!
look forward to some of these things
my birthday
movie mondays
lots more!
Waddle on!

Clubpenguin 5th Anivercry News

5th anivercrys soon i cant wait what what will surprise us
go to clubpenguin .com and read whats new for more news

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Clubpenguin Sports Event

well this sport event rocks!
theres a big obstical
oh and sory late cheats this event slows my computer down

new postcards!
i like green
and every postcard except yellow has a jersy wierd
waddle on!

Clubpenguin Sandwich Pin Cheat

Hmm were could the pin be?
aha!the cave mine

you know have the sandwich pin
makes me hungry lol
Waddle on!

September Snow And Sports Catolog 2010

Sweet!new snow and sports catolog!
yellow team is out awsome!

awsome cheat 1
1:click the blue cheerleaders mouth for blue shoes
this is a old iteam

next cool cheet
click the red cheerleaders feet
cool new iteam
i think i might have the blue and red shoes backwards
yellow team
click the yellow cheerleaders feet for yellow shoes
this is also a awsome iteam
those are the cheats
Waddle on!

Clubpenguin Ishue 258

New clubpenguin times ishue!

lots of exiting stuff

here they are!

first yellow teams joining us later today!

im for the green team what about you?

black puffles joining us in cart surfer soon!

black puffles are still practicing

my black puffle will be great at this!

theres new stamps october 8th looks

like cp is starting to tell us when they come out

new catolog for halloween/october!(spooky iddition!)

bamboo forests is coming back,can you make a new play cp?

new pin later today!

i cant wait for this stuf!

Waddle on!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Clubpenguin Review By You

Great job rc i think??is that his name?

well this week clubpenguin whants to know whats the most sporty
this in cp thats happend to you

yellow team comes tomorow i cant wait!
Waddle on!

How Are You Getting Ready For The Staduim Event

As you know there going to be a stage event and a new team yellow!
so how are you getting ready?
im practicing at my igloo im for green!

what color are you for?
shouldnt blue and green be allys? there both cool colors
and red and yellow be allys there both hot colors
tell me what you think oh and game days out im getting it for my bday
Waddle on!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Feild Op 15

New feild op!
go to the beacon and go to the green thing like in the pic of the vidoe hmmmmm
does this have somthing to do with that?
Waddle on!

Wich Coloer Are You Revealed!

Awsome there revealed!
im green!
i was almost yellow wich i picked first but i dont hang out at the stage often
so i picked a green!
i was going to be on green anyhow!
what coler are you?
Waddle on!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Quiz!Wich Team Color Are You

Billybob posted a cool quiz
pick answer abc or d
i picks d at first but
i like the staduim so i pick a!

well we will have to wait and see
cant wait till the new color and staduim games!
Waddle on!

Better Igloos Catolog September-October

Some rockin cheats for catologs
heres the stufs

unbrella table its olf very old!
click the mouse to the computer
log stuf!also old!
click the log drawer first one on the top for log table
Awsome school sutfs!
i like the lockers and bell and tables and everything!
Waddle on!

Clubpenguin Ishue 257

New ishue of the cp times today and lots of things to look forward to :D
first we have this

clubpenguin game day is kinda coming to online cp!
now there will be 4 teams

New igloo iteams later today and look
what it says.cp says school iteams including some
lay out maps computers and lockers!this is cool
fairy faibles starts september 17 and ends october 7
new penguin stlye october 1 for halloween costums cool!
new cart surfer stamps october 5 i will get them all!
new sports catolog september 24 with yellow team!
new pin hidden the september 23 and ends october 7
cool upcoming events!
Waddle pm!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Clubpenguin reviewed by you

Great job mr bob 27!
id have to say i like puffle paddle and feeder
this week cp whants to know what other games pufffles would like
not realy thinking
Waddle on!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Feild Op Mission 14

Whats that?my spy phone?
this is a job for....dandanahhhdandnanana werehog!
1:go to hq
2:click big yellow screen
3:accept feild op
4:opean map
5:go to iceberg

6:click around the left tip
7:click green flashing spy pohone
8:play maze game
9:get meddle

Great job werehog
Waddle on!

Just A Reminder

This is a reminder the fall fair has ended i repeat the fall fair has ended :(
wait weres card jitsue water?wahhhhh!i want it now!lol
well the fair qwas 2 weeks a long party,the next party will probly be the cp anivercry aloung with a new book and party hat:D
Waddle on!

New Clubpenguin Stamps

Yaya!new cp stamps
this is for cp game day.....wich i dont have....

....but im getting it for my bday october 2!
these stamps seem hard because wii controlls kinda hard lol
but i will unlock everything!mwhahaha!lol
Wadle on!

Green Puffles Taking Flight!

yaya!green puffles now on the air
this is awsome!
theres even stamps!

these are the stamps from green puffles
i have 2 :D
Waddle on!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Awsome Cp Glitch

ok we all know jet pack adventure.....
well my sis was playing jet pack adventure
i was watching tv she called me over,i thought she met rockhopper
but to my surpirize i saw
a super glich

my sis was playing with the main screen in jet pack adventure!
this glich rocks go see for yourself
Waddle on!
(thx rosrei/sis)

Art For Hati Mureal Finished

Great job micky you must be so proud!
sory im late i was at my grandparents house yesterday
they paint fast lol .

micky did a great job
so did the painters!
Waddle on

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Screenhogs Checklist

Cool screenhog made us a checklest
of things to find at the party
hat is in puffle shuffle
thats the stamp just play puffle feeder
the memorei game
thats the wizard costume
puffle circus
rockhoppers ship/or hatlol
thats the list :D
Waddle on!

New Fall Fair Iteams

Finaly new fall fair iteams
new ones twoXD

a blue fuzzy viking hat know i have orange and blue
a hat like last year but green.....can cp plz get new iteams not just coler change
padle balls back!
finaly a new iteam popcorn!
and a green balloon
is it just me or dose cp need new iteams?

Clubpenguin Ticket Cheat

Thats a nice pin
go to the book room to pick it up

Waddle on!

Clubpenguin Ishue 256

Sory im late i couldnt post this morning
well its here know

cool!green puffles will know enter jet pack adventure(like we geused)
today theres new iteams at the fair cool!ill post soon
other then that nothing exiting......
Waddle on!