Friday, December 3, 2010

New Clubpenguin Start Up Screen

It says members get bonus coins

to bad for nonmembers
cp should egleast give them some more stuf.
Waddle on!

Clubpenguin New Backround Cheat

Hey have you bought the new backround yet?

Well if you have the fire moves in the backround!
Very cool cp!
I think they did a good job for this catolog!
Waddle on!

Clubpenguin Penguin Style December 2010

Finally the new catolog is here with lots of cheats!

on page with puffle you can click the snow stares next
to the penguins with the orange/blue jaket

on the elf page click the mountain inbetween the trees

Ill let you find out what they are ;)
Let me know if a missed any because ive seen
them all but i just might have forgoted to include one ;)
Waddle on!
Merry Christmas!

Clubpenguin Snowflake Pin Cheat

Clubpenguin snowflake pin!
What do you think about this new pin?
Waddle on!

Clubpenguin Clothing Catolog Delay

Clubpenguins ben having some bugs with the new catolog.
They say it will be out sometime today.
Here is a sneek peek of the catolog!
Clubpenguin come on! Whats up with all the bugs?!
Well egleast theres new iteams.
Im going to go check now for the catolog.
Waddle on!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Ok im back and i hope i can stay i might lose computer today so im trying to get another auther i can trust sory if i spelt anything rong XD im in a rush